A Day at the Aquarium | Ayer, Massachusetts Photographer & Videographer

One of the perks of being a Massachusetts Photographer is that there is so much to do and take pictures of throughout the state.  It was a lot of fun taking the day to photograph something outside of the usual weddings and events and take a trip to the New England Aquarium in Boston.  My cousin Steve and his fiancé, Lance, made a last minute visit and hadn’t been to Boston or the Aquarium before, so we decided to make a day of it.  I am by no means a native or expert in navigating through the city or the trains, but we actually managed to make it there and back without getting lost.  I think I was in first grade the last time I went to the New England Aquarium.  I won’t say how long ago that was, but it was long enough that I don’t think you’d have seen anyone  with cell phones taking photos, let alone the number of people we saw.  Haha!  We had a lot of fun checking out the various fish, penguins, sea lions, and other sea animals, but by far my favorite sea creatures to photograph were the jelly fish.  I got a number of jellyfish photos and, as you’ll see, decided to try getting a bit creative with photographing the school of fish.  Check out some of my photos from our adventures below. aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, jellyfish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, fish, school of fish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, fish, school of fish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, fish, school of fish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, sea horse, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, frog, south american frog, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, frog, south american frog, boston, new england aquarium, sea life
aquarium, frog, south american frog, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, star fish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, star fish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, star fish, boston, new england aquarium, sea life aquarium, lobster, boston, new england aquarium, sea life

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